Sterilization of a trendy product: ICED COFFEE

Choose Steriflow autoclaves for the sterilization of your trendy and innovative products
When food industry professionals invest in industrial autoclaves for the sterilization of innovative and trendy products, Steriflow is the natural choice. With more than 30 years of experience in the Middle East and over a hundred units installed in this part of the world, Steriflow’s reputation as a leader in the industrial sterilization market is well established.
Re-birth of an ancestral drink: Iced Coffee
Resulting from a successful combination of an ancestral drink (coffee), a quantity of milk (a % varying according to the drinks) and flavours, it is the flagship product of the moment on supermarket shelves. Iced Coffee in a can has been very popular in the Middle East in recent years and is the fresh drink of the moment. Its success with consumers has led to the expansion of its production worldwide.
Steriflow autoclaves, tested and approved for Iced Coffee sterilization
Steriflow’s water cascading process guarantees optimal, high quality sterilization of all products. Depending on the percentage of milk present in the drink, agitation of the product during sterilisation may be necessary. This avoids the phenomenon of caramelisation (browning).
By offering consumers several flavors (Original, Mocha, Latte Vanille, Latte Noisettes, Latte Caramel), and a 12-month use-by date, food manufacturers have won their bet with this trendy product.
See all our autoclaves for food sterilization: Rotary, Static, Dali, Shaka
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