Process Expertise: autoclaves and skills

Expertise Process, des machines et des compétences

For 50 years, the company has been providing the food industry with pasteurization, sterilization, and vacuum cooking solutions to effectively meet the demands of food industry professionals.

Steriflow: skills at your service

There are many skills at Steriflow! Our know-how is recognized all over the world, from sales technicians to industrial designers and qualified welders.

Our priority being the satisfaction and support of our customers, it seemed essential to us to be able to offer them comfort and safety regarding the optimal use of their autoclave. This is why Steriflow has surrounded itself with process experts, serving its customers and future customers.
At Steriflow, we call all these skills process expertise.



  What is process expertise?

It is the result of 50 years of experience and know-how.

A team of experts at your service to optimize the use of your autoclave. If you are not completely satisfied with your packaging after a heat treatment or if you feel that you are not using your Steriflow autoclave optimally, we can help you with our service offer: process diagnostics, needs analysis, product testing, cycle optimization, etc.

  Process expertise, with whom?

A food technologist with over 15 years of sterilization experience.

Our technologist specializes in the analysis and heat treatment of food to ensure its quality, safety and compliance with hygiene and safety standards.

She will be your contact for:

  • Product testing,
  • Optimization of your cycles,
  • Maps,
  • Heat treatment training

We have a testing laboratory with all the necessary equipment to monitor the heat treatment of your products and the condition of your packaging throughout a cycle. Static, rotary, Dali and Shaka autoclaves are available in the pilot hall. Part of this hall is dedicated to the preparation of products before autoclaving.

We also have a team of experienced technicians who have the skills to help our customers achieve top-level optimizations on their site.


Contact us for further information


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