Delivery of your autoclaves and spare parts
Autoclaves can be delivered anywhere in the world, by any required transport means.

Optimize alimentary sterilization of sauces in jars
A custom-designed sterilization and pasteurization autoclave for a renowned Italian industrialist

Investment : Replacement of our welding equipment
A new generation Under Melt welding system was installed this summer in our autoclave workshop to ensure the quality of our welds and to facilitate the work of our welders.

Sterilization, pasteurization, vacuum cooking: What differences?
Steriflow autoclaves make it possible to heat treat a very wide variety of products in any kind of packaging in order to provide a shelf life appropriate to their marketing.

A pilot rotary autoclave for a Research and Development Center
Customized autoclave to meet Research requirements.

Laboratory tests on vegetable food
For several months we have been making tests with vegetable proteins.